European Brain and Behaviour Society

European Brain and Behaviour Society


24 April 2024

Closing the Gap: Strategies for Global Gender Equity in Brain Research

30 April 2024 - 09:00 EDT | 15:00 CEST | 18:30 IST

Last year’s webinar Unfinished Business: Persistent Global Gender Disparities in Neuroscience delved into the underlying causes of the gap. It unequivocally demonstrated the existence of the glass ceiling in academia across the world and underscored the urgent need for proactive measures to shatter it.
This upcoming session will shift its focus to actionable steps and programs designed to promote gender equity. By analysing these case studies and best practices, we aim to provide concrete strategies for addressing systemic challenges and ultimately closing the gender gap in brain research.

More information here

26 March 2024

6th International Functional Architecture of Memory Conference

19-21 June 2024, Magdeburg, Germany

The 6th FAM conference will feature 15 world leading experts in human and animal memory who have already RSVP (from USA, Canada, Japan, Norway, UK, Austria and Germany). This event is unique in this it aims at bringing new insights on major controversies in human recognition memory as well as bridging further human and animal memory by integrating findings from computational, molecular, neuroanatomical, electrophysiological and imaging studies using state-of-art technical approaches. Especially, this platform gives the unique opportunity to scientists to integrate data emerging from studies in humans and animals on the same MTL areas that however pertain to different thematic foci in memory research, for example the contribution of the MTL areas to the formation and retrieval of memory, the processing of space and time and how this contribution evolves with age and within the frame of pathologies. An integration of the findings emerging from these different subject areas will allow for a very thorough and more complete picture of the precise contribution of each MTL area to different aspects of memory and the mechanisms underlying these memory processes.
The event is also very ‘students-oriented’, with the organization of a daily ‘students /speakers-only brainstorming session’ lasting for an hour. During these ‘student/speakers –only session’ students have the unique opportunity to meet, in small groups, the speakers of their choice with no other presence than that of their peers to encourage active participation and get a direct feedback from speakers on their own take on memory function.
Registration and information: here

7 February 2024

"Stress and Resilience: Exploring New Horizons in Science and Application"

The two-day conference titled “Stress and Resilience: Exploring New Horizons in Science and Applications” that will be held at EPFL, Lausanne on April 15-16, 2024 aims to address the timely issue of stress and resilience in contemporary society. Our program will showcase cutting-edge research on stress and resilience, providing insights into stress sources across diverse contexts and discussing targeted interventions for promoting mental health. We are delighted to confirm the participation of distinguished international speakers and we will also give the opportunity to young researchers to present their work through talks selected from abstracts. Do not miss this opportunity and join us for this exciting event! Registration and information: here

  • News 2023

    14 December 2023

    EBBS young investigator awards to attend FENS Forum 2024

    EBBS is offering 6 young investigator awards (1 for post-docs and 5 for PhD students) to attend the FENS Forum 2024 in Vienna in June 2024.

    Award winners will receive a €700 bank transfer after the meeting. Young Investigator awards will only be made to people attending the FENS forum in person.

    All applicants should be EBBS members at the time of application, and should not have received an EBBS young investigator award (for a previous FENS Forum or an EBBS meeting) in either 2022 or 2023. Applications should include:

    • A copy of the poster abstract identical to the one which will be submitted to the meeting. The applicant must be the first author on the abstract.
    • A one page CV.

    Applications should be sent to the Secretary General of the EBBS (Alex Easton, secretary@ebbs-science.org) by the end of Friday 19th January 2024.

    1 February 2023

    EBBS conference support grants

    Please visit this page for details.

    16 January 2023

    Applications for hosting the 2025 EBBS Meeting are now welcome!

    Since its formation in 1968, EBBS has organized successful and vibrant biannual meetings to promote the exchange of information between scientists interested in the relationship between brain mechanisms and behaviour in humans and animals. EBBS meetings have been organized in different European countries and attract more than 500 delegates.

    We are now looking for the host city for our 2025 meeting. At this stage outlines proposals are sought which cover:

    • Details of the venue
    • Plans for space to run parallel sessions, host keynotes, poster sessions and exhibitors
    • Plans for potential social events (including student event)
    • Proposal for Gala Dinner location
    • Brief outline of availability of accommodation, restaurants, and other amenities for visitors
    • Outline of estimated costs for the meeting, and proposals for registration fees etc
    • Details of local organizing committee and any other organisations involved in the running of the meeting

    Outlines should be sent to secretary@ebbs-science.org by midday (GMT) on Monday 20th March 2023, and some outlines may be asked to present to the EBBS committee in the following weeks.

    Outlines viewed positively by the committee will then be asked to submit a full proposal for a final decision which will be made during the EBBS meeting in Amsterdam in August.

    For further information, please contact secretary@ebbs-science.org.


    23 December 2023

    IBRO grants for attending the EBBS 2023

    Please visit the following links for more information:
    https://ibro.org/travel-grants deadline 28 April 2023
    https://ibro.org/diversity-grants deadline 20 April 2023

  • News 2022

    23 December 2022

    EBBS Awards

    On the occasion of the 50th EBBS Meeting, the society is offering the following awards:
    EBBS Mid-Career award
    EBBS diversity award
    Young investigator award

    For more information please visit the meeting website

    11 June 2022

    EBBS Annual General Meeting - 9 July 2022

    The European Brain and Behavior Society will be holding its annual general meeting on SATURDAY 9th July from 14:00 in Hall F of the Paris Expo Porte de Versailles, Pavillion 7. This is the location of the FENS forum and the AGM will follow shortly after the end of the mini-conference co-organised by EBBS, IBANGS, EBPS, and EMCCS in the same hall (Understanding Behavior: Molecular, Cellular, and systems approaches).

    The AGM is open to all EBBS members and will include reports from the President, Secretary, and Treasurer, as well as a chance for members to ask questions about the Society's plans.

    9 March 2022

    ELECTION ANNOUNCEMENT - Call for nominations

    We invite nominations for candidates (who should be members of EBBS) to stand for election for the following positions:

    • Two ordinary members
    • President

    Nominations should be made by a member of EBBS and sent by e-mail to the Secretary General, Alex Easton (secretary@ebbs-science.org) no later than May 2, 2022.

    We encourage members considering being nominated for President to contact Igor Branchi (president@ebbs-science.org) or Alex Easton (secretary@ebbs-science.org) beforehand to discuss the role.

    Nominations should include a short summary of the candidate (about ½ A4 along with a photo if possible). This will be published together with the web-on-line ballots. In accepting nominations, we assume that the candidate has already agreed to stand for election.

    9 March 2022

    Monitoring Molecules in Neuroscience
    Lyon, 29 June - 2 July 2022

    The international MMiN meeting, previously known as « In vivo meeting », initially focused on methodological neurochemistry and continues to expand its scope to include all major techniques, such as voltammetry, microdialysis, pharmacology, electrophysiology, imaging, tomography, optogenetics/chemogenetics, and other manipulations of neural networks. MMiN also provides an excellent platform for presentations on emerging techniques that detect and track neuroactive or neurotransmitter-like molecules.


    10 February 2022

    EBBS travel awards to attend FENS Forum 2022

    EBBS is offering 5 travel awards (1 for post-docs and 4 for PhD students) to attend our meeting the FENS Forum 2022 in Paris in July.

    Award winners will receive a € 500 bank transfer after the meeting as well as a special EBBS Travel Award Certificate. Travel awards will only be made to people attending the FENS forum in person.

    All applicants should be EBBS members at the time of application, and should not have received an EBBS travel award (for a previous FENS Forum or an EBBS meeting) in either 2020 or 2021. Applications should include:

    • A copy of the poster abstract identical to the one which will be submitted to the meeting. The applicant must be the first author on the abstract.
    • A one page CV.

    Applications should be sent to the Secretary General of the EBBS (Alex Easton, secretary@ebbs-science.org) by the end of Sunday 20th March 2022.

  • News 2021

    25 October 2021

    IBRO - PERC Support for Soft Skills Training

    The Neuroscience Institute Cavalieri ottolenghi (NICO) is organising a IBRO-PERC Support for Soft Skills Training entitled "Building up a career in Neuroscience - Grant and CV writing + job interview preparation".

    The course targets European postdocs and early career researchers who want to apply for mid-sized grants, foster their independence in research and obtain funds to develop their research ideas and establish a research environment. The course will prepare candidates to write a competitive and successful scientific proposal, to make a good CV and to empower them for different types of interviews and careers at the international level. The course will be virtual, free of charge and prizes for the best attendees are at stake.

    Application deadline: 17 October 2021 EXTENDED 31 October 2021.

    Find additional information, prerequisites and application form at the following link .

    10 March 2021

    ELECTION ANNOUNCEMENT - Call for nominations

    We invite nominations for candidates (who should be members of EBBS) to stand for election for:

    • One ordinary member
    • One young scientist member (members who obtained their PhDs no more than 10 years ago)
    • Treasurer

    Nominations should be made by a member of EBBS and sent by e-mail to the Secretary General, Alex Easton (secretary@ebbs-science.org) no later than May 3, 2021.

    Nominations should include a short summary of the candidate (about ½ A4 along with a photo if possible). This will be published together with the web-on-line ballots. In accepting nominations, we assume that the candidate has already agreed to stand for election.

    22 January 2021

    Call for Travel Grant applications for the 2021 meeting

    EBBS is offering 10 travel awards (3 for post-docs and 7 for PhD students) to attend our meeting in person in Lausanne in September.

    Award winners will receive a €500 bank transfer after the meeting as well as a special EBBS Travel Award Certificate. Should the meeting move entirely online then the award will instead cover the cost of registration fees at the cost incurred to the applicant.

    All applicants should be EBBS members at the time of application. Applications should include:

    • A copy of the poster abstract identical to the one which will be submitted to the meeting. The applicant must be the first author on the abstract.
    • A one page CV.

    Applications should be sent to the Secretary General of the EBBS (Alex Easton, secretary@ebbs-science.org) by the end of Sunday 28th February 2021.

    Abstracts must be submitted in English and cannot be more than 250 words.
    Abstract topic: Submissions are welcome in all topics related to Behavioral Neuroscience.
    Abstract title: The title should not exceed 25 words.
    Body text: limited to 300 words Abstracts should clearly state: Aims, Methods, Results and Conclusions.
    Use only standard abbreviations. Place special or unusual abbreviations in parentheses after the full word the first time it appears.
    We recommend using word-processing software (for example Word) for editing your abstract and counting the number of words.

  • News 2020

    17 December 2020

    Call for Candidates for the FENS-Kavli Network of Excellence

    Dear EBBS members,

    FENS has launched a call for applications for the FENS-Kavli Network of Excellence.

    EBBS can nominate up to two candidates following a selection process.

    Please visit the following link .

    If you are interested and eligible, send your CV (max 3 pages) and a one-page statement of interest to EBBS Secretary General, Alex Easton (secretary@ebbs-science.org), by Monday 11th January 2021.

    Please note that your CV has to address the following items:

    • Current position and affiliation; including amount of time dedicated to research;
    • Previous positions and affiliations;
    • If applicable indicate the reasons for any career breaks or leaves of absence (e.g. due to maternity leave);
    • List of publications, highlighting the 5-10 most relevant;
    • Personal prizes, awards, fellowships, grants etc.;
    • Leadership/ organisational activities;
    • Memberships of scientific societies, editorial boards etc.;
    • Invited lectures;
    • Knowledge transfer (industrial innovation, outreach to lay public etc.);
    • Other responsibilities.

    9 October 2020

    Brain Innovation Days

    The European Brain Council and beLean.net are pleased to host the first-ever Brain Innovation Days on 13 October 2020. Find out more information about the event on www.braininnovationdays.eu

    5 October 2020

    49th Meeting of European Brain and Behaviour Society
    Lausanne, Switzerland · 4-7 September 2021
    CALL FOR SYMPOSIUM PROPOSALS - deadline extended to October 12th

    The European Brain and Behavior Society (EBBS) has extended the deadline for symposium proposals for the 49th EBBS meeting that will take place in Lausanne, 4-7 September 2021.

    Symposia Guidelines

    The EBBS program committee welcomes excellent symposia that advance our knowledge of the brain and behavior, in health and disease, and using all research approaches.

    Excellent proposals covering either a hot topic in the field or a novel topic not represented in previous EBBS meetings will be favoured.

    A symposium may be proposed by any established researcher, who did not have a symposium proposal accepted at the EBBS 2019 meeting. Members of the Program committee can neither propose a symposium nor be speakers in a symposium. Proposers of successful symposia would be expected to be or become full members of the EBBS*.

    Each symposium will require a chair and four speakers (the chair may be one of the speakers). Preference will be given to proposals that represent diversity (across age, sex, and origin).

    Note: We are aware that the current situation with COVID-19 may lead to some uncertainty for speakers at this stage. Alongside our preferred plans for a conference we can all attend in person, we are preparing plans for the meeting to be held virtually or as a hybrid meeting if needed. We hope that symposium proposals can therefore be submitted with confidence.

    Please complete the EBBS symposium proposal form on the conference website (https://www.ebbs2021.org/call-for-symposium-proposals/) by October 12th 2020.

    Any questions please email secretary@ebbs-science.org.

    *Becoming EBBS member comes with many advantages, including full FENS membership, at a low fee of €40,- per year – Register here.