European Brain and Behaviour Society

European Brain and Behaviour Society

EBBS conference support grants

EBBS offers at least one conference support grant per call and members are invited to submit proposals. The deadlines for grant applications are 1st February, 1st June, and 1st October each year (three calls annually).

At least half of the grant must be used to cover travel awards for Ph.D. students or Early Career Researchers (ECRs), or for poster prizes at the meeting. The remaining funds may be used to cover the costs of a lecturer who will raise the profile of the meeting, to support postgraduate student attendance, to assist early-career speakers who may otherwise be unable to attend, to provide free registration for EBBS members, or for other purposes where the funds clearly enhance the value of the meeting.

Funds are available to support conferences, workshops, or summer/winter schools. When reviewing proposals, the committee will consider the size and international scope of the meeting, which must align with the interests of EBBS members.

EBBS support must be acknowledged in the meeting programme and at the event. For example, supported speakers should be acknowledged as "EBBS Lecture", travel support as "EBBS Travel Grant", and poster prizes as "EBBS Poster Prize".

A grant of up to 1000 EUR will be awarded.

Applications should be submitted at least three months in advance of the meeting, always considering the deadlines (1st February, 1st June, and 1st October).

Applicants (who must be members of EBBS) should submit a proposal, roughly one page in length, addressing the following points:

  • Details about the meeting (format, topics covered, and planned speakers)
  • How EBBS funds will be used (including travel and poster award details)
  • How EBBS funds will add value to the meeting (i.e., what will be achieved with the support that could not otherwise occur)
  • How EBBS support will be acknowledged
  • How the meeting will be advertised
  • Confirmation that the meeting will be open to all EBBS members

Please note that a brief report on the meeting and EBBS support is required after the event. Pictures of EBBS-supported participants taken at the meeting should be sent to the email indicated below for social media purposes.

Applications should be addressed to the EBBS Secretary, Oliver Bosch (secretary@ebbs-science.org).